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  • What's going on this summer at WCC? Download the Summer 2024 Calendar of Events.


    Jul 14 - Aug 4, 2024 | Drop Off Donations at WCC

    In partnership with Waukee Area Christian Services, we are helping students who can't afford school supplies start the school year equipped to succeed. Get involved in either of these 3 ways - by purchasing supplies off of the Most Needed List, giving a Financial Gift used by WACS to purchase supplies in bulk, or by purchasing Rarely Donated Supplies used by middle and high school students especially. What a great way to encourage local kids as they begin a new school year. 


    Incoming 6th-12th Graders | Aug 13 | 6:30-9:30pm

    ALL INCOMING 6TH-12TH GRADERS…we have a great night planned for all of our students and to welcome in our new students as well. We plan on meeting at WCC at 6:30pm and will return by 9:30pm. Bring yourself, a friend, a pair of socks, & $5.

  • Join us for our annual BBQ lunch! Activities for all, including a jump house for the kids and snow cones for the adults Winking Face.  Sign-up to bring your choice of a side dish, fruit or veggies, or a BIG bag of chips. BBQ, water, and table service will be provided. 

  • Check out all of the serving opportunities at WCC - WCC Serving Opportunities. If you are interested in any of these areas, please reach out to a staff member or email 


    7-12 Grade | 8:45-9:30am

    Sunday Mornings | Aug 11 & 25 | WCC

    Living for Christ is not always easy, yet doing it together with support & encouragement from your peers & leaders through God's Word is priceless. Guys in 7-12 grades, please join us. Connect with Pastor Tank for more information.


    At WCC, there are two kinds of groups in which you can connect (with the Lord, and) with your church family:

    Life Groups create space for individuals and families to open the Bible and do life together. Groups generally meet in the evenings on different days of the week, a couple times each month, and groups meet either at the church or in someone's home. Several groups also plan other gatherings for family-meals or hangout times for men, women, moms-kids, etc. It's a great place to foster friendships with other believers. 

    Discipleship Groups bring together 3-5 men or 3-5 women to practice being a disciple of Jesus. If you are looking for ways to grow as a disciple maker, whether with your kids or friends, these groups are for you. It's an opportunity to be equipped with spiritual tools and the map of transformation.  

    No group is a lifelong commitment. We encourage you to try out a group for one year; make it a priority and watch to see how the Lord may bless you through it.

    Please express interest in being part of a Life Group or Discipleship Group by emailing Pastor Tank.